In the above, the number shown in front of each site is the permanent identifier (SiteID) which was assigned to it when it applied for membership. Thus, it is merely a rough indication of the "seniority" of the Site within the Ring. When you travel along the Ring, you do not do it in that order! Instead, you go from one site to the next according to the current random order of the Ring, which is changed frequently.
Unlike the rest of this Ring's management (which is partially automated), the above list is updated manually. Please contact the RingMaster if your new site seems overdue to appear in the list, or if you've just changed the title and/or the URL of a registered site. Thanks.
Among other things, the above list will cause all the Ring's sites to be indexed (after a few weeks) by all search engines which are indexing at least one of them. Consider this a free form of publicity and an additional incentive for WebMasters to join the Patrie Ring...