Organisations francophiles Francophile Organizations

Pages personnelles francophiles / Francophile personal pages
Les pages sont classées par ordre alphabétique du nom de leur
auteur. Si vous avez une page avec un certain contenu francophile,
dites le nous et nous en ferons
mention ici. Nous ne vous imposons pas d'établir un
lien en retour, mais ça nous fait toujours plaisir...
Pages are listed alphabetically by author.
If your page has some Francophile content,
let us know and we will be glad
to list it here. It is not required that you
link back to us, but we do appreciate it...
- France 1300-1750
and The
French Revolution
in A Brief History of the World
(Allen Abramowitz).
- Paris, France (April 1999)
in Bern & Leslie's Slice of Life
(Bern & Leslie Amaretto).
Eiffel Tower and
Notre-Dame in
Anthony's Home Page (Anthony Atkielski).
- Encore France
in Chic & Slim Lifestyle
(Anne Barone).
Travel Page : les couleurs du Monde in
Bass-Thomas & Cie (Ivan M. Baas-Thomas).
- France …
and the livin' is easy (1998-12-14)
in The Jokesters Archives
- La Belle France
in Sheldon Brown Web Service
(Sheldon Brown).
Our Trip to France
in Steve's Web Site
(Steve Burns).
- France & Switzerland
(May/June 1999) in Charlie
Chapman's Home Page (Charlie Chapman).
- Journal
(May/June 1999) in Subterfuge
2000 (Keith Curran).
- Paris, France
(April 1999) in
Todd's Gateway to
the World (Todd Day).
- The Francophile
Café (maintained by Rachel L. Doner, created by Michael Allen Turner).
Paris, France
in Vacation
in Europe, 1999 (R.L. Fair).
- Chalet Beauregard (Chamonix)
in The Goddard Guide to
Bed and Breakfast (Angela Goddard).
- Cyndi's French List
in Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites.
(Cyndi Howells). 100,000+ links & 20,000,000+ hits!
Travel Advisory to France
in Chez Laurent and Christina
(Laurent Lorenbar).
- France 1990
in Scott MacKinnon
Photography (Scott MacKinnon).
- 'Black Book' Details
Communist Crimes (Article, 2000-09-21)
in McCains
(Robert Stacy McCain).
- France within the World
in Ricki Peto's Class
(Thomas McMaster & Chris Petersen).
- France
in Local Catholic Church History
and Genealogy
(Ann Mensch).
- Images from Paris
in Pictures from Europe and Michigan
(Colin Misner).
- France
in Sarah and Nate Moore's
Home Page (Nate & Sarah P. Moore).
- France 2000
(Mayfield High School, Lee Nelson).
- Plagers in France in 1996
in Plager Family
Home Page (Max & Shelly Plager).
- France Trip
in Justin's Webpage
(Justin Randall).
- Vive la France
in d'Artagnan's Bookmarks
(Hugh M. Reilly).
- Paris and
Paris Links
in Alex and Peggi's
Virtual Home (Alexander Schreyer).
- The
Franco-American Alliance (1776-1783)
in Doug's Occasional Journals
(B. Douglas Smith, Jr.).
- Europe
in Suzanna Travels around the World
- Prix du Rayonnement de la langue
et de la littérature françaises 1996 (Francis-Noël Thomas).
- Louvre,
Paris, France
in In Search
of Beauty (Reggie Thomson).
French Search Engines
in Tillison Research Center.
The End of the Road?
in Where in the World is Emily?
(Emily Tuzson).
- Beyond the Borders (Thomas P. Vilbas).
- Amis Francophones!
in Michael's Home on the Web
(Michael Visual).
- Antique Maps
in www Web Thingy
(Richard & Sharon Werner).
- Happy Papillon (Anonymous Author).
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
(Essay by an unknown author).
- A Trip to Paris (28 pictures
by an unknown author).